Littleton Cemetery Flag Project

On May 27th, Tahattawan Lodge adorned the graves of 25 departed Brothers residing in both Littleton Cemeteries with blue and white Square & Compasses flags.

The idea for the project was developed and funded by the Cipher Team, with Brother Charlie Ellis taking the lead. Charlie worked with the Cemetery Commission for approval to place the flags, and also received from them a list of all residents, which Charlie then cross-referenced with all deceased Tahattawan Brothers. A map was then created showing the approximate location of our departed Brethren.

Additionally, several Brothers who were not listed as members of Tahattawan Lodge were found to be resting in Littleton’s Cemeteries, thanks to Square & Compasses on their head stones. These Brothers were then added to the map.

Placing the flags were: Brother Charlie Ellis, Brother Jay Varnum, Brother Steve Rogg, Right Worshipful Ken Atkins, Brother Bob Stetson, and Worshipful Dennis Gibbons.

Additional credit goes to Brothers David Badger, Brian Wong, Steve Moore, David Angel, Jeff Randall, Nick Rochon, Peter Beagan, and Don Stevens. Photos can be found in the Gallery

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